Nature’s Grocer

I decided to take an impromptu trip home to see my family in NY state today, and during the drive, my body reminded me that it was time for lunch. Of course, anyone who strives to eat healthy understands how difficult it can be on the road.

While driving along I-84 going west, I saw a huge billboard advertising a gluten free bakery and health food store called Nature’s Grocer in Vernon, CT. Ironically, the billboard is placed right next to a huge McDonald’s sign. The words ‘Gluten Free’ mean the world to me these days, so of course that really stood out. I’m also preparing for a trip to Paris later this month, and was listening to Coffee Break French‘s lesson on ordering a coffee, so a hot beverage was also sounding spectacular, so I stopped.

Nature’s Grocer is so close to the highway, and chocked full of gluten free snacks, healthy nibbles, and a full stock of supplements. You might know by now that my preferred diet is Paleo, so I even was able to pick up a Vermont Smoke and Cure Summer Sausage and a Paleo ‘treat’ by Hail Merry Miracle Tart. Yum!

I always love to share these kinds of gems when I find them, because they are few and far between. Typically, I am always carrying food with me, but today I ran out of the house in attempts to hit the road at a decent hour.

What about you? How do you deal with healthy eating while traveling?




Snacking at North Station

It’s tough to make the 6:25pm commuter rail when I finish my last patient at 6pm in Copley Square, but I was feeling brave and decided to take the risk tonight. Alas, I missed the train, with the next one not leaving for another hour.

All this Paleo eating and working out lately has me hungry and expecting meals on a regular schedule, and today was no exception. Famished, I came to terms with the fact that I wouldn’t eat until I got home. Only McDonalds, Crazy Dough’s Pizza, (no GF options), an ice cream place, and a bar present as the only food and beverage options. As my Harry Potter book became less interesting when my stomach started growling louder, I looked ahead and saw the Newstand. Perhaps, just maybe, they will have a healthy snack. I thought I was really going out on a limb by hoping there were Kind bars. I approached the Newstand. Popcorn, Planters Salted Nuts, Pringles, Combos..I’m SOL, aren’t I? I kept going. Found the snack bars..Nature Valley, Kellogg’s, Nutri Grain…wait. I think I see it. The beautiful, colorful wrapper of the Kind bar. Could it be? Yes, and there was a selection. I grabbed the first two that were not so loaded with sugar, turned around, and saw, (gulp), organic dried pineapple and apples. I paid for my two bars and pineapple, and almost $8 later, I felt like I was in good shape until I got home.
